
Cafe Manabi

Well after 8 hours of working on the computer on Saturday with Flash I managed to create a roll over button with sound. The problem was I did not save it and I deleted it thinking that I wanted to try again so I could get some practice. Well I forgot how to create the button and there I was again spending all day Sunday trying to figure out how to create the button. I did it but again I think I must have repeated a step and included the sound in the up state of the button because the sound was playing without the mouse even close to the button and the sound would play when the button was clicked. Flash looks real easy but there are many small steps that easily get confused.
The new domain name is up and running but I am still working on coding the autoresponder E-Mail sign-up form among other things. Not sure when it will be fully functioning as of yet. It looks as though I will be stuck in Taiwan for at least another two weeks because I am supposed to get back the income tax that I have paid over the last 6 months. Turns out I am currently 2 weeks short of the required minimum required to qualify for the return. Well it's only 2 weeks and this return is quite a bit of money as it will pay for a return flight easily.