
Creating a rollover button in Flash MX 7.0 with sound

After several months of trying to figure out how to make a roll over button in Macromedia Flash MX 7.0 I finally got it done. I think the trouble is the help/tutorial files that come bundled with the software. They write it in such a way that just confuses the user, and unless you really focus yourself the help files are really difficult to understand. Perhaps the reason is, there are no pictures to accompany the text files. Obviously for save on space requirements software developers have to go with text files rather than images. I'm sure if they could they would include video tutorials but this would take up far too much space. I am not sure how helpful it will be but I included screen shots and a description here for anyone who may want to know how to create a simple roll over button with sound and make it link to another web page Really it is quite simple, if you don't get my instructions please let me know what you didn't understand and I will try to update the tutorial. Click here to see the tutorial!
