

I came across this on a blog I was reading the other day.
I can't remember where it was but I had a laugh when I
read the posting because I had a similar experience. If the
original author reads this post please leave me a comment
and let me know your bolg address.

It was during my university days when I was heading back
to British Columbia, Canada from Quebec. I took the
Greyhound 52hours from Toronto to Edmonton. I had made
a stop over in Winnipeg, Manitoba for a bit of a rest. It was
early morning when I decided not to wait in the dirty, stinky,
piss smelling Greyhound bus depot, I headed to a local mall
down the street and walk in and sat down after looking
around for a while and a security guard comes up to me and
asks me to leave. Why? When everyoneelse was sitting around
in a public place. Wanting to know how far the security guard
would go I decided to stand my ground but the guy threw me
out in the street. No this wasn't some police state, this was
Canada, a country Canadians like to pride themselves as being a free country. Oh
it's so free that it's in the national anthom, "True north strong and free..." well free
from somethings but freedom to sit in a public mall? Not a chance!